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Quinn & The Finnz

2022-03-31: Added Event
Catch the action at the Big Bottom Brewery in Dillsburg, PA on Thursday 2022-03-31 at 6:00PM-ET. Check out the Shea Quinn page on...

BiT'g Under One Roof
As we started down this road, the idea is to get the bands and artists associated with Shea Quinn to be "under one roof." In this way,...

2022-02-25 New Event Dates
Events are now scheduled for the following dates: 2022-03-12:1830 2022-06-09:1800 2022-08-04:1800 2022-09-12:1800

Enter Shea Quinn
The website name (URL/domain), although not yet directed to the website yet, is purchased and ready to be...

Enter Stage Right
Hello! This is JR and this category of blogs highlights the available resources to follow the various bands and artists affiliated with...
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